Hello (DriveTribers?) once again, and I hope you’re enjoying the season of goodwill for Man and toys. This time we’re taking a look at a car that James May tried to redeem in the Patagonia special. A car that Clarkson thinks is an acronym for “Lots of Trouble Usually Serious”…it’s the Lotus Sport Elise.
At first glance, I noticed the missing the missing door mirrors. Aaand that’s it. That’s literally th eonly thing I don’t like about this car. Alright, this will just be me licking Hot Wheels’ arseholes. The model is acebiscuits. Runs smoothly, artwork is meticuous, the bottom details are…maybe not the there. But the details on every bit from the rear to the hood is just bloody brilliant. It doesn’t shw in the picture, but the rear end of the car has the logo beautifully painted along with the lights, the obligatory Hot Wheels logo and a few other bits and bobs. It simply looks great. Oh, and remember the twirl-y drift move? I think I got lucky with it this year. This one does it better than the last one. I did admittedly drop it as soon as I opened the box and it had a bit of the painting chipped off as a result, but I think they still did a blooody good job out of this.
I’m not going down metaphor lane this time, but I’ll only say that it reminds me of a racing car that I can’t remember the name of. Or a wedge of cheese. And on that bombshell, it’s time to end. See you in 2023. Buhbye.
Published in Articles
YES! Some 1:64 on here. Most excellent!!!!! Just picked up this one myself. Great addition to my over 300 car collection. And counting, of course. It’s a habit and a cheap one. A buck a pop makes it fun. The issue I am having now is what to do with all of the one’s I have yet to relieve of their packaging. I’ve hung a few on the walls, 19 singles, 3 five packs and one 20 pack along with four 1:18’s. I have five cases of 50 each packed full. I still have more than a dozen, and counting, of single packs unopened. Either need to hang them up or find a home. Don’t want to put them in a box so I’m leaning towards hanging more. I may end up covering the walls in Hot Wheels! **btw: I’ll be 50 Jan 30. Not just for kids OR I’m still a kid at heart. One of the two.