I love a good adventure. Anything from hiking through the Peak District on a cloudy Monday to the Amazon Rainforest and the Galápagos Islands, I’m always game. So when a friend messaged asking if I fancied joining him in Abu Dhabi for the final Grand Prix of the F1 season, it was a slam dunk yes. The only problems were; 1: the race was six days away and 2: I didn’t have a lot of money.
Turns out the solutions to those problems, with some careful planning, are Albania and Kyiv. It all makes sense when you watch the video.
So the question is; what’s next? Well, my friend has since moved home from Abu Dhabi, so the budget element from that has gone. But Europe? I’ve got a whole continent of races on my doorstep. I’m already going to Silverstone for the Saturday sessions this year. But where else? I fancy Hungary. It’s provided us with some good races over the past few years, the beer is good and it’s all pretty reasonably priced. A nice train ride there, it’d be quite the adventure. Monaco on a budget would be one hell of a challenge, but I reckon it’s doable. But with a lot more planning. I’m tempted by France or Austria. For the former I know the language, for the latter, I’ve been to the country before and know how easy it is to get to the track. Then there’s Italy. A mega atmosphere, I’ll be with my fellow Tifosi. A lot to think about. Where do you think I should set my sights on next?
Published in Adventure
I’d say Hungary – France doesn’t often have the most excitement nor does Monaco (but the spectacle – wow). I’d love to go to Silverstone (we tried to get tickets earlier in the year but the ones in our budget were gone). Enjoy!
I think the atmosphere of Monaco would be one to experience. Hungary is the next on my list i think. Surprisingly affordable. I’ll see if I can scrape together the funds.