I’m sure that many members of PRNDL have modified cars and wish to record their track laps, others just began to drive their first cars and need something for insurance claims. And yet despite the wide range of options in the market there’s apparently no models that meet all their needs or… are simply way too expensive or require too much hassle to install.
So, today I will be showing you how to turn one of your old cellphones into a cheap and simple onboard camera for your car shall you need it, the requirements for this thankfully are few and not extremely expensive.

1- An old Smartphone we no longer use (Brand doesn’t matter), the smartphone must have a rear camera capable of recording video at 720p at least. It will also require a factory reset since it will no longer be used as a call/internet browsing device (However, make sure to back up leftover data in case there’s any in your phone before factory resetting) After all the reset will help increase available space and improve it’s overall space, optionally get a bigger SD card to increase available storage space.
2- A windshield mount or dashboard mount. Preferably get a windshield mount that sticks to the windshield with a sucker or adhesive, ensure to turn the mount in a way that allows a landscape orientation to improve the video FOV. Dash or windshield mounts can be as cheap as 2-10$ in any gas station.
3- a car charger with USB cable. The charger can be connected to the car lighter or be connected to an USB port in the car. The cable doesn’t need to be miles long, at most it must be long enough to reach the phone and the charger. But short enough to not be a bother to driving or discomfort in the car.
4- A dash cam recording App, wether from the Play store or the Apple store you are going to need a dashcam app to operate the old smartphone as a dashcam. A few examples of dashcam apps are Drivermatics, Autoboy, Autoguard, CaroO Free… to name a few!
Installation/ To take in mind

First and foremost, you should figure out the most suitable location for your new dashcam. The dashcam neither it’s connection should obstruct our field of view or affect our movement to operate the gearbox, pedals or steering wheel. (In my case I prefer center mounted dashcams in the windshield with suction cups)
The dashcam must be also laid out horizontally in horizon mode and not portrait mode to maximize the FOV the camera will capture of the car’s front. Sometimes old Smartphones will require constant charging due to faulty batteries so… ensure that the cables are placed in a way they don’t obstruct normal operation of the car.
You must also take in mind that sometimes the dashcam app might not work as intended or the OS will sometimes shut down. This kind of “Dashcam” however should be treated as a temporary measure and not a full 100% functional dashcam, and even then… there’s more hinderances to temporary dash cams or permanent ones.
Also In countries like Spain, Dashcams are under unclear data protection laws making it a 50/50 the benefit of carrying one. Some insurances might accept dash cam footage and some courts will refuse to see it due to data protection laws. Even then this is better than nothing.
And remember, just because you’re driving around with a dashcam… it doesn’t give you the benefit of being in the right always. Act within the law since you’re recorded as well by your own camera.
Published in How To / Advice