
Driving Technology Carsplained – Toyota RAV4 Prime

Come along on a drive as as we try to highlight all the advanced driver assistance systems in the Toyota RAV4 Prime! 

There is a lot of technology in cars today. Toyota is one of the leaders in making much of their advance driver assistance technology standard. But It can also be confusing with things like adaptive cruise control, lane departure warning and lane departure assist, as well as lane centering (Lane Trace Assist in Toyota nomenclature). Some cars allow you to flip between adaptive cruiser control and steady speed cruise control. In that case you better be sure to know what mode your’e in before you barrel down on the car in front of you. 

Luckily, cars do try to help communicate what each system does, its current status and what’s going on. But automakers don’t use the same colors or tones in the same way. Orange vs White vs Green, etc. And just because a vehicle has a similar feature (if you can even tell given all the unique naming each brand uses) the execution of the feature across brands can be completely different. 

Our demonstration drives look to help educate drivers on how to use all the various systems and to know the limitations as well. We’ve done this for nearly every test car we’ve had in for long evaluations and is something we feel is important for increasing awareness and education for systems to give people confidence in what they can and can’t do. 

Let us know if these videos are helpful or interesting! Would love to continue to develop these and share them across the PRNDL community. 

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David Olsen-Fabian
2 years ago

This was AWESOME. I’ve really been waiting for this exact video. Thank you! Great work. Okay, I am going to address these one at a time.
Lane trace. Gotta say, I like it. I would use it for a fair amount of the time. Especially in traffic when things can become overwhelming to the senses or when I am tired and maybe even when the health attacks while driving (nerve shocks in the left leg from nerve damage). I like this feature. I see you steering toward the inside solid white line and it’s not getting closer to that line. I like this.
Adaptive cruise. HOLY MOLY I want this. Plus being able to let go of the steering for a few seconds. I never wanted a car to being able to steer or brake for me. But having seen a few of these systems in action I am having a big change of heart on this one. This looks incredibly beneficial.
Head up display. YES. Plus seeing all of the above indicators head up is most excellent. Every car should have this. AND I see the posted speed there too. THAT could be incredibly useful for those times you don’t actually see the sign and ask yourself what the speed limit right before those blue and reds come on behind you. I can’t tell you how often this happens.
Love the compass.
Full stop in adaptive. YES. Very useful.
I believe I see throttle position under the current speed. Is this correct?
I am all in. When are you dropping it off? Red is fine.

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