New Home and a challenge

As a former Drive Triber, I have been lost since its demise. Depression at the loss of my community. This was a big loss for me. I’m stuck at home due to health issues. I can leave but it’s logically difficult and pain will ensue on top of the existing pain. It’s just not pleasant for me. To this end I have been isolated for about three years now. The pandemic didn’t have much impact on me in this regard. I just keep on doing what I have to do to survive. Yes, survive. That’s where this is for me and it’s okay. I’ve lived many lifetimes already. Seriously. Been there, done that. Everything that was on my bucket list but one item = Great Wall of China. But I’ve had enough talk of walls from the last six years of my life. I’m good. I thought the Berlin Wall would be the last one but no, I was sadly mistaken. Should have known, but I digress. 

The loss of the Drive Tribe community shook me more than I wanted or suspected it would. I miss the comradery we shared. I miss the inside jokes. I miss bagging on Coleman for his PINK fetish. I miss Alessandro Renesis and his take on watches. I miss AirMax66 and his spots. I miss the Diecast Guru, his insane collection and knowledge of everything diecast. I miss the epic battles between John and Ben about the Dacia Sandero. Drive Tribe was my connection to the outside world. It was my social network. When that was taken away I was left with a void. I haven’t been myself since. I lost something. It was the one thing I have been seeking for my entire adult life. Community(NO, not the show although I do like the show as well). 

Enter the other websites. Opposite Lock took us in, or so they claimed. It wasn’t real friendly or welcoming for many, especially some of the younger guys. Some, former Drive Tribers found a new home on Oppo. It better suited them and their personality. That’s great! I was happy to see this. Some of us went to Discord. So many servers! I can hardly stay on top of all that’s going on with Discord. I cherry pick highlights and that’s all I can do there. Race Director is excellent! I mean for real. Axel Padilla has done an amazing job with that site. It’s an EPIC build on his part. I’m truly impressed. Sadly, that site doesn’t seem to be gaining the traffic it deserves but it’s also missing some features yet. Axel can only do so much so quickly on his own. Race Director is still one of the top sites for us. I hope it continues to grow roots. 

PRNDL. I see so much potential here that I have dug in. There’s is room for community here and ways to interact. I have a garage, like DT. Quizzes. CHECK! Polls, have those as well. It’s all here with room for expansion that way WE want in this new PRNDL format. So far, I truly enjoy this site. It’s relieved me of my gloom. Is it a full community? Not just yet. But it has the potential. As long as we move forward in a conscious way this site could be truly amazing. It’s up to us. 

From my understanding, this site needs traffic. People. I’m issuing a challenge to everyone who reads this. One person. Everyone not just invite one person but drag them kicking and screaming, if you must, to this site and force them to join by any means necessary(within the law folks, WITHIN the law, well okay you can flex the law a bit but no extreme violence for disfigurements). Make this person a select individual who will add something to this community. I’ve mentioned a few names  of people I would like to see join. Eddie Brooks, Pes Carolo and JW are here as well as Vincent. Great to see you on here. Some of my favorites!!!! Let’s get some more contributors on here. We can head this is a very positive direction. It’s up to us!

Published in Community Intros

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2 years ago

I wrote 46 people and 3 of them are already here.

2 years ago

You are welcome!

Arran Angus
2 years ago

Should I add a gun emoji to my Instagram story?

Kjell Ouwendijk
2 years ago

I am happy to see you here again, I hope Prndl is going to work I really missed everyone on DRIVETRIBE

Gabriel Caramet
2 years ago

Missed you David

Stacie Hill
2 years ago

That’s that makes me even more happy to be over here!! I’m mourned the loss of Drivetriber more than I thought I would as well!! And I’m certainly glad you’re here!!❤️🙂

Stacie Hill
2 years ago


Gabi B
2 years ago

I don’t get the problem with young people on Oppo. I went over and absolutely love it, suits me down to the ground and the people there are probably nicer to me than on DT. The closure also hit me harder than I thought it would and I also joined in a time when I couldn’t really do much (but from injury not illness) and it was also my way into the world. But Oppo is my new online home however I will still lurk around here.

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